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Meeting Minutes - 9/12/24


Friends of the Tabor to Platte Rail to Trail

Meeting Minutes September 12, 2024

CoChairs Larry Lucas and Dr Jerome Bentz convened the Friends of the Tabor to Platte Rail to Trail meeting Thursday, September 12, 2024 ar 6:00 pm in Knotheads Restaurant, Pickstown SD, with Lucas, Benz, Treasurer Amanda Bechan,Secretary Bob Foley, Deb Lucas and Ed Van Gerpen in attendance.

Minutes from the last, March 6, meeting were read and approved. Treasurer reported approximately $28,000 in cash available; report approved.

Lucas identified that $15,000 remains to be raised for matching funds needed to complete our portion, $45,000, of the Transportation Alternatives Grant for a study of the rail to trail proposal. The SDDoT awarded the study contract to Toole Design. Toole began the study in August.

The study will examine the railbanked portion of the NAPA line between Tyndall and Platte. The SAT (Study Advisory Team - L Lucas & R Huizinga represent our group on the SAT) will approve a survey and community meeting schedule in October. The actual online as well as paper survey will be done in combination with the public meetings, probably in November/December. Lucas recommended we coordinate our fundraising efforts with the survey and public meetings. Lucas and Bentz suggested that the ‘healthy lifestyle’ aspect of the trail may appeal to some funding sources. Safety was another key issue.

Lucas has been in contact with the Rail to Trails Conservancy. This national group may be able to help us with design recommendations and raising funds nationally from cycle enthusiasts.

Trail maintenance will be part of the study. If the trail is approved by the SD Railroad Board, a management, including maintenance, plan must be created, and liability insurance addressed. Specific state requirements for these subjects will be defined in the trail operating agreement between the SD Railroad Board and our group as the Trail Manager.

Discussion occurred about the ‘takings’ issue advanced by the Rose Law firm of St Louis. This issue is a state legal matter, if the project advances to the approval phase.

Board seat terms held by Amanda Bechen and Judy Parker expired. Judy elected not to run for reelection. Amanda decided to run for reelection. Amanda was elected unanimously without opposition. So, we have an open board seat, with emphasis on publicity and promotion.

The next meeting was set for 6:00 pm on Thursday, November 14 at Knotheads.

Adjourned at 7:10 pm.

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