Rail to Trail Proposal Expansion Discussed at Niobrara, NE S.T.A.R.W.A.R.S. meeting
Read the article by News Channel Nebraska at https://northeast.newschannelnebraska.com/story/44601745/starwars-public-hearing-offers-niob...
8/18/21 - Discussion with South Dakota Railroad Board
On 8/18/21, the Friends of the Tabor to Platte Rail to Trail delivered comments at the state Railroad Board Meeting. Below is audio from...
Updated & Extended Rail to Trail Proposal - Now Includes Nebraska!
Below is the current Regional Trail Network Concept by the Friends of the Tabor to Platte Rail to Trail as of August 2021.
Spreading the Word - WNAX Interview
Ron Wagner, Co-Chair of the Friends of the Tabor to Platte Rail to Trail committee, had a interview on local radio station WNAX 570 and...
7/22/21 - Committee Minutes
L to R: Dr Jerome Bentz, Platte, Co-chair. Marcus King, Platte, Finance and Fundraising Committee. Ron Wagner, Tyndall, Co-chair....
Officially incorporated!
Thanks to the hard work of many biking enthusiasts, community promoters, and business entrepreneurs the Friends of the Tabor to Platte...
S.D. panel decides to railbank more of state-owned line between Napa and Platte
S.D. panel decides to railbank more of state-owned line between Napa and Platte by: Bob Mercer, Jun 17, 2020 via Keloland "The segment...
South Dakota Biking Tourism Research
This research shows there is a desire for bicycling as a recreation activity, yet South Dakota is greatly lacking on the infrastructure...